When you worship with us, introduce yourselves. Here are a few names and faces to put together. 
“Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers for by doing that some have entertained angels without knowing it.”
Hebrews 13:1
Senior Pastor
My name is Jason Heath. I came to WFBC in July 2019 to serve as the Lead Pastor. My primary focus at WFBC is preaching, making disciples and prayer. I desire to help the members of WFBC live for the glory of God by loving Him and loving others.
My wife, Kamlin, and I have been married since August 2004 and we have six wonderful children.
We love family time, travel, the outdoors and laughing at AFV, America’s Funniest Home Videos.
I hope you will consider joining us as we seek to glorify Christ above all.
Email: winfbcpastor@gmail.com
Twitter: @jasoneheath
Instagram: @jasoneheath

Youth Ministry
Led by Minister of Students
Aaron Tiner  

Aaron was born and lived in Houston Texas until he was in sixth grade. He and his family faithfully and actively attended Lakeland Baptist Church until they moved to Winchester. He began to  attend Winchester First Baptist and gave his life to the Lord in 2005 at the age of 17.  

Aaron has faithfully and enthusiastically served the students of Franklin County High School for the last year as an SRO.  Through his position he has been able to bring encouragement into the lives of struggling teens.  Being an SRO isn’t all about roaming the halls looking for external threats, much of his time is spent encouraging and loving the students through times of crisis. 

During Aaron’s late teenage years, he began exploring a calling to student ministry, even visiting an SBC college.  But he decided to make his own way and joined the military.  After serving several years in the military, he joined a local police department.  God used his police experience to lead him to the SRO position.  During which time Aaron fell in love with the students of FCHS.  Desiring to get the gospel to these students, God revived his desire for ministry.   

 Aaron and Emmy married in 2011.  They now have 4 energetic boys.

  • JJ (9)
  • Benny (6)
  • Mikey (3)
  • Conner (1)